Dog Training Extras

There are a few dog training extras that we have not covered elsewhere. These are the Canine Good Citizen exam, and “Spot Fixes” where we work with you and your dog one-on-one to address lingering issues.

PlayStayTion Pet Resort and Training offers the Canine Good Citizen exam. The CGC Program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club.

a dog training extra - the AKC official seal for Canine Good Citizen Evaluator


The Canine Good Citizen test is officially sanctioned by the American Kennel Club.

Test Includes:

  • Dog accepts a friendly stranger.

  • Dog sits politely for petting.

  • He welcomes being groomed and examined.

  • Pet walks politely with you on a loose lead.

  • Dog walks politely through a crowd.

  • Animal sits and down on command and stay in place.

  • Dog comes when called.

  • He behave politely around other dogs.

  • Dog demonstrate confidence while being left with a trusted person.

Cost: $199 for the Test


Examples of spot “fixes” are jumping on people and mouthing.

Cost: $199 an Hour

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One last thing before you go…

Dogs get pretty messy at camp and dog grooming fee is not included. Consider
booking a dog grooming for your dog’s last day of stay to take home a clean pet.
